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Class 1

The International School of Bombay continues to reaffirm the ethical and moral development of its students, and lively discussions focusing on values evolve naturally from our curriculum.

Home Class 1

Friendship and Siblinghood

Thread by thread, heart to heart, our classroom buzzes with creativity as students weave the spirit of love into their Rakhi creations. Each knot symbolizes the unbreakable bond of friendship and siblinghood.

Magic of Words

Words have the dramatic effect on how we interact with people and how decisions are taken. They can inspire or bring tears among people. These are the reasons why words are powerful expression tool. Not only in practical daily life, but in students life too, words play a vital role.

Exploring Seasons:

In our class I adventure, students dive into the magic of seasons, discovering the perfect attire for each. From cozy sweaters in winter to vibrant shorts in summer, we're mastering the art of dressing with the weather!

रोटी का बंटवारा

रोल प्ले के जरिए बच्चे कई महत्वपूर्ण चीजें अनजाने ही सीख जाते हैं। जब बच्चे खेलते हैं तो वे कुछ मौलिक संज्ञानात्मक, सामाजिक, भावनात्मक और शारीरिक कौशल विकसित करते हैं। उनकी खेल की अपनी एक अलग दुनिया होती है, जिसमें वह कुछ भी बन सकते हैं और कुछ भी कर सकते हैं। उनका यह खेल बड़ों के चेहरे पर भले ही मुस्कान ले आता हो, लेकिन रोल प्ले मस्ती से कहीं ज्यादा है।आज कक्षा प्रथम के विद्यार्थियों द्वारा बंदर और बिल्ली के रोल प्ले के माध्यम से शिक्षाप्रद कहानी का अनुसरण किया गया |

Exploring the Invisible:

Students engage in the 'Air Takes up Space' activity, unravelling the mysteries of the unseen. From inflating balloons to capturing the essence of this elusive element, our classroom becomes a playground for scientific curiosity. Through hands-on experiments, we embark on a journey to understand how something as intangible as air occupies its own space, leaving our minds inflated with newfound knowledge.

Breathing Life into Learning, Exploring the Magic of Oxygen!

In our class, young minds embark on an exciting journey to discover the invisible wonder that fills our air – oxygen. Through hands-on activities, laughter, and wide-eyed curiosity, our little scientists unravel the mysteries of this essential element.

Discovering the Invisible:

Our classroom transforms into a realm of scientific wonder as students explore the weight of air. Through hands-on activities, they unveil the hidden force that surrounds us. From balancing balloons to unravelling the mysteries of air pressure, every moment is a revelation. In this gravity-defying journey, students not only grasp the concept of air having weight but also feel the magic of science lifting their understanding to new heights.

Informative Session

An activity on pronoun was conducted in the class. It was an engaging and informative session that helped the students to better understand and the use of pronouns in the English language.

The activity began with a brief introduction of pronoun explaining their role in showing the relationship between nouns or pronouns and in other words in a sentence.

Word Fusion

With the help of "joining words", students are able to connect several words, broader concepts and various ideas together. Allowing them to build complex sentences that can convey interesting messages.

Decoding 'A' and 'An': A Linguistic Adventure

An Engaging Grammar Adventure in Class I. Students dive into the nuances of articles, distinguishing when to use 'a' and 'an' with enthusiasm and precision. From playful activities to insightful discussions, our young grammarians embark on a linguistic journey, mastering the art of choosing the right article for every word. It's not just about grammar rules; it's about empowering these budding language enthusiasts to wield the power of articles confidently and accurately.

Tiny feet, big strides!

The excitement echoes as our little champions take on the hurdles with boundless energy. In the race of laughter and joy, each hurdle becomes a stepping stone to newfound confidence. Cheers fill the air as these young athletes showcase determination, resilience, and the sheer joy of crossing each obstacle. It's not just a race; it's a journey of growth, learning, and the thrill of overcoming challenges in our vibrant class I hurdle race activity!"